Skin From Within

I moved and have so much unpacking to do.  I was worried my skin would take a turn for the worse while  my skincare products are hidden away in different boxes, I’m on a weird schedule, and a dealing lot of stress from the moving process,

So far it hasn’t changed or taken a turn for the worse other than a couple hormonal jawline bumps that I always get.  For me, a big part of skincare is more than just products that I’m putting on externally. This post is all about what I ingest and do in an effort to keep my face as clear as possible rather than actual skincare products.

Vitamins / Vitamin A, spearmint, L-Lysine, and fish oil are a major part of my regimen. Luckily I’m pretty good about taking vitamins because it’s basically a handful daily.  Don’t attempt on an empty stomach!

Water / Yep, it contributes to good skin as much as everyone says it does.  I typically drink a little over 100oz daily but ideally would like to be doubling that.

Collagen / I’m big on adding this to hot drinks for preventing wrinkles and having healthy hair and nails.

Washing / Not that I’ve been wearing much makeup while I move, but starting and ending the day with washing my face gets off any sweat, dirt, or product residue that could potentially clog my pores. Make sure to give yourself an extra splash of water to even get all soap residue off.  Don’t forget washing your brushes and makeup sponges too!  I use this tea tree soap for my sponge and brush cleansing. 

Sleep / Getting plenty helps me stick to my ideal routine of drinking enough water, preparing healthy meals, and working out.


These measures are just as important if not more so than buying and applying dedicated skincare products.  I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of blogging when I’m all settled in to my new place and finally figure out where to rehome my makeup!




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