Self Tanning Recommendations

I self tan about 2- 3x per week, and wanted to post and updated, simplified, current routine.  This will include all the details about prep, application, and maintenance.  I’ve been self tanning since about eighth grade and have used a lot of different products to achieve it.  These are the ones that I recommend the most for a flawless, easy, and beginner friendly tan.

Prep: Exfoliate

Any scrub will do, but my favorite is the salt scrub by Dr. Teals.  It’s just the right level of abrasive, and does not contain plastic beads.  I use this scrub before and after shaving to slough off any dead skin cells that are clinging on.  To remove remnants of leftover tan, I use this scrubby fabric from Target. It gets everything off super easily.  You can’t go wrong with using a dry towel after showering though, use circular motions on damp skin. Pay extra attention to scrubbing ankles, knees, elbows (inner and outer), neck, wrists, feet.

When you’re completely dry, you’re ready to tan.

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I have a few favorite products that I love for getting a deep bronze color. I recommend applying when you don’t have anywhere to go so you can wear loose clothing.  For me, that’s usually in the late afternoon/ early evening on a weekday after work. I try to have dishes done and my makeup off so I’m not near splashing water. Nothing is worse than water dripping down my forearms from washing my face when I’ve just tanned. NOTHING.

So I’ve scrubbed up, dried off, and am ready to apply tan. I have few different ways that I apply tan, so I’ll lay them all out.

  1. L’oreal Sublime Bronze

Apply regular lotion to hands, bottom of your feet, fingers, and toes.

Hop in the shower and apply the Loreal spray like it’s sunscreen spray. Keep a mitt on hand in case of drips, and pat them away. Do this all over in a thin coat. Do not rub in the tan or blend it, but let it dry completely.  Follow up with a second layer and repeat. Rinse off your shower to avoid stains.

2. Fake Bake

I stand on a towel and spray my body, then the mitt with Fake Bake. Evenly apply the liquid with large circular motions. Again, let dry completely before doing a second layer.  I use this to get my back. I apply foam tans this same way. I’ll list a few below that I use, but Fake Bake Flawless is my favorite.

3. Banana Boat

I apply Banana Boat like a regular lotion, just paying more attention that I get every inch.  Adding a few drops of an oil like Palmer’s into my hand with the lotion for extra hydration. It also makes the tan glide on easier without using as mpauch.


I use a lot of chemical exfoliation in my skincare so I don’t find that tan sticks very well to my face for very long, but I still do it. I apply Fake Bake and L’oreal Sublime sprays on my cleaned face, neck, and hands with an EcoTools kabuki brush.  I’ve listed a few other products I use that are specifically meant for tanning the face below.


Throughout the week I mix Banana Boat Summer Color into lotion to add a little more color.  I also love the Jergens Natural Glow Wet Skin lotion. It leaves my body feeling super moisturized and adds some color.


Dr. Teals scrub

Scrubby Fabric



Sublime bronze

Fake Bake Flawless

Banana Boat Summer Color lotion


Ulta tan drops

Daily SPF face tan

Tanning face serum

Back tan applicator

Jergens Wet Skin

Thank you so much for reading! I’m constantly trying new tanning products and adding them to my Insta highlights. i&kimandmakeup



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