After years of boycotting, I gave Lime Crime another chance. I was one of the people that had my payment info sold to other business after buying from their site, so in turn I swore off their products. Now that they’re selling on more reputable sites, I’m done with taking a stand, which shows how easily I can be swayed.
Lime Crime consistently comes out with on point colors for the Velvetine liquid lipsticks. They’re the first brand to release a liquid lipstick formula as far as I can remember! Unless I’m forgetting someone they definitely started the whole trend that every line does now.
The color I picked up was Buffy, described as a buff nude. I’m looking at the lip swatch on their site, and it shows up a lot lighter there vs. in person. If you’re shopping on there, adjust your computer brightness down a few notches and buy colors that way.
I bought this shade on Amazon last week, and have been waiting for the chance to wear it. This color has a lot of grey in it, which is exactly what I was looking for. When I wear this I feel a lot edgier than I actually am, which I’ll always be down for. The color wore really nicely, but it’s key to put this on moisturized lips. When my lips weren’t as hydrated the lines were extra prominent. I didn’t find that this required a lip liner, but I like the softer edges look so I went in with NYX Nude Beige liner with it. It feels lightweight, and it took me two coats to get the opaque coverage I wanted. If I had to rank this compared to other formulas I like, I’d say it’s a step under Dose of Colors, but three or so steps above Anastasia. I took some pictures in different lighting to portray the color.
- indoor in front of window
Here’s the makeup on the rest of my face in these photos-
COMPLEXION| MAC yellow radiance primer, COVERGIRL clean matte bb cream, TARTE shape tape, MAC emphasize, COLOURPOP sculpting stix cream contour, MAC sunpower as blush, COLOURPOP topaz duo to bronze & highlight
BROWS| ABH dipbrow pomade, L’OREAL brow stylist plumper
EYES| URBAN DECAY primer potion, ABH modern renaissance palette, COLOURPOP kathleenlights, SEPHORA COLLECTION eyeliner pencil, ESSENCE i <3 extreme mascara
LIP| NYX nude beige, LIME CRIME buffy
I’d definitely recommend this liquid lipstick formula if you’re into the colors. Just put lip balm on while doing your makeup so your lips are ready for it.