This makeup is one of my go to easy looks. I wore it to Target this weekend and the girl at the register complimented it so I felt it was worthy of it’s own post. All the products I listed are below, and I went over how I did the makeup a little as well.
Hi! After switching to a self hosted platform, my reader stats are all over the place. I’m not sure if my new posts pop up on WordPress reader, and I don’t think my tags are searchable through WordPress. If you’d like to keep up to date on my posts, make sure to follow me.
After going on a hunt for a new gym bag, I found one that has everything I need. I love researching products and trying to be a smart consumer by reading reviews and really weighing the pros and cons, so I did a very thorough search. My old bag was a tote style from Forever 21 that was starting…
This Christmas list is a mix of practical and impractical things I’ve had on my wishlist for awhile, but don’t really have the desire to spend my own money on. This list is just for fun, I do not expect people in my life to actually buy me these things! The main part of the holidays for us is spending…
When I find a combination of makeup products that work together flawlessly, I get very eager to share it. My skin hasn’t been amazing lately, so it gives me confidence when I can create a good complexion. The skin issues are due to diet mostly I think… I need to get back on the calorie counting healthy eating bandwagon. This…